Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kitten food ain't paying for itself!

So I know I sound crazy when I say things like "my kitten won't let me come to work today" and "I think my kittens are trying to sabotage my career" but the thing is, you just need the back story and then it doesn't seem crazy.

Well, not AS crazy.

Here's how I got to the point where I would say those things.

So yesterday I thought I was going to have to call in "kitten". Everdeen has a habit of hanging out on my bed in the morning. We play, have quality time. I usually end up bleeding from somewhere but it's still quality time.

Yesterday, I go to get out of bed and Ev leaps down and begins to attack my feet like a whirling pack of ginsu knives. Wisely, I retreated up onto the bed. End attack. I then went to get up and again the foot attacks began. I retreated. The cycle repeated and I began to suspect he wanted me to just stay home. I managed to make it into work but the woman giving me my pedicures is worried about my health.

Fast forward to this morning. I was allowed to get up but when I went to put my glasses on I found that they were gone. Gone. Vanished. This is a problem.

You see, I can't. See, that is. I am pretty much blind without my glasses. And what do you need to do to find glasses? That's right. See. It's a vicious cycle. I put the damn things in the same spot every night because if I put them somewhere else I usually can't find them.

I have checked everywhere around my glasses spot thinking they may have been knocked off. They are gone. As in, kitten putting it in their mouth and pelting off with it gone. Which makes them hard to find, especially when you can't see.

Thank goodness for contact lenses. Because if I called in kitten it wouldn't go over well. And kitten food isn't paying for itself!

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