Friday, December 28, 2012

If A Tree Falls In The Forest

So. The kittens finally did it when I had a camera close at hand. My loyal tree (duly dubbed "blogfodder") was sent crashing to the ground. It is for this eventuality and this alone that shatterproof ornaments were purchased for said tree.

There are two images included with this post. The first is blogfodder laying, in all of its sad glory, full out on the floor, decorations scattered on the floor like leaves after a whirlwind. You can see Earl looking through the wreckage like a shark sniffing around once blood has been scented in the water. What you CANNOT see, unless you look closely, is Everdeen, buried in the branches, vainly gnawing on the simulated needles.

I think he hates my tree. Poor blogfodder. Never did anything other than stand there and look pretty. But no, even after blogfodder was packed lovingly in its box, the assault and indignities continued. The second image is actually Everdeen GNAWING on the box. Sheesh dude, kick a tree while its down why don't you!?!

Oh God, I hope he grows out of this next year. Please somebody, tell me it gets better!

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